"We're toast," said the general. "How am

  • "We're toast," said the general. "How am I going to find a sign language negotiator for a deaf hostage-taker at this hour?" He raised fingers in peace, unaware that the translation
  • borg was floating near his head. His fingers hit the translation borg which threw off its balance servers and it whirled right into the deaf hostage-taker, exploding his head. Hero
  • dotus lamented he had once again disturbed the history of this timeline. Ever since the Timelord's had employed him to write a history of the universe, his clumsiness cause Herodot
  • us to move from Halicarnassus early in his boyhood to Mykonos, where he promptly forgot his dream of writing history and instead opened a frozen fig on a stick stand catering to
  • the usual Mykonos crowd. His frozen fruit on a stick stand expanded to frozen apples, grapefruit and water melon on a big stick. Franchises of the stand spread through the Cyclades
  • until they were as thick as the olive groves on Santorini. However, due to the collapsed Greek economy, the Frozen Fruit on a Stick franchisees encouraged interesting trades rather
  • than keeping the fruit to yourself to eat. Plus, the coldness of Frozen Fruit on a Stick made your teeth hurt to eat too fast. The Greek economy had other problems, however. Namely
  • the Troika, led secretly by Deanna Troi. Christine LaGarde harbored unrequited love for the empath-behind-the-curtain of the EU, as did Merkel, but a "menage-a-Troi" was out of the
  • question: Merkel & Lagarde were already in bed with the EU's financial oligarchy. Sweating, Troi felt the Southerners' agony as the Troika consumed their nations in a frenzied orgy
  • . In the end, Troi abandoned his great mission. Perplexed and disillusioned, he returned to Shangri La, the land of his origins. He had to begin again. He had to fight.


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