Ethan was a skeptic and he wondered why he

  • Ethan was a skeptic and he wondered why he let Ettinger convince him to be cryopreserved upon his legal death. Maybe he wanted to thwart the cancer, or maybe it was just curiosity
  • about a future life in a mysterious future civilization. Either way, he knew he would be saying goodbye to everyone he loved, choosing the metallic cryo-sleep over an untimely end
  • . He closed the hatch and felt the cold surround him. A moment later, he awakened as the hatch slid open again. He stepped out and looked around. How much time had passed?
  • The sun descended over the horizon and as darkness enveloped the world, menacing shadows appeared where benign objects had previously lay. Out of the corner of his eye a movement
  • shifted in the dark. Romney said, "Satan, is that you?" But it was Anne coming back from the car, "Why did you call out for Satan?" Romney said, "What?"
  • Anne knew he was stalling. He always asked "what?" when he heard her but just didn't have a good answer. Romney crawled out of the dark closet then and admitted what he had done.
  • "Guilty as charged!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. "But can you really hold a man accountable for actions he made after eating 7 boxes of Twinkies?" he asked. I LOVE AMERICA!
  • The TwinkieCream started to work it's magic on the guy. These were no ordinary 7 cases of heavenly sugary spongecakes that he wolfed down, these cases from Discount Charlie's.
  • Most people dismissed Discount Charlie's, but every student from Slippery Rock University knew it was the only place in town to get a full-body tingle from a hand
  • that had been approved by the estate of Msgr. Vincent Price. Well, the product didn't produce much of a tingle, but if you squeezed it, you might very well say "Jambalaya!"


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