Rush hour traffic was backed up along the

  • Rush hour traffic was backed up along the freeway as far as the eye could see. Nobody could remember how the impromptu freeway cricket match between the passengers of Bus 384 and
  • the Hobos of Shaftesbury Alleyway 35. Cricket is a tough sport to play when everyone is trying to dodge taxis in sandals. ESPN Cricket Analyst Greg McManaman was most appalled by
  • the red, juicy infected looking asses of baboons. Greg McManaman would drive heave whenever he saw that at the zoo. It looked like blisters and hamburger, which is why it was so tr
  • ying for this young primatologist. He wanted to impress his attractive supervisor, Jane Badall, but to do so he had to overcome his disgust with the weird variety of ape and monkey
  • suits she made him wear. She also fed him bananas for breakfast. "Please Jane, not the orangutan mask!" he begged, but his supervisor was unyielding. Primatology studies aren't for
  • the light of heart. Besides, he should have known, should have always known that Jane had a slightly animal kink. She wouldn't listen to reason -- not now, since she was already
  • incapable of rational thought due to the cosmetic lobotomy. She understood tone of voice, but words were garbled. Jane tried to tell him of her slightly animal kink but she could
  • n't clear the phlegm from her throat. Damn allergies! Between that, her speech impediment, and her animal fetish, Jane found herself alone...again. He left, just like all the other
  • tanned and scruffy pets Jane had courted. What a sadly dichotomous love-life Jane led. The young men were delectable but lacked a neocortex, whereas the seasoned gents
  • were well seasoned but a bit tough. She decided she could have it both ways. She courted the delectable young men, she charmed the seasoned gents, & she ate to her hearts content.


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