"Well, Grork. We've reached the Badlands.

  • "Well, Grork. We've reached the Badlands. And you know what that means. You can stlll turn back." Grork, gurgled in reply. His way of laughing. I took a step into the swampy mist
  • stones. They led upwards into the Dragon Herb Clouds. Grork followed behind. His Belly Eye was wide in terror. But my Trusty Crystal Fire sword was on my side and
  • I still had both slots of my Drinking Cap +1 filled with cans of Mountain Dew. Grork's Belly Eye noticed first when we ascended above the Dragon Herb Clouds to the fabulous garden
  • Of Paradise, that there was a baobab tree or two, The Little Prince sat there writing his memoirs, now into notebook #25. His penmanship was beautiful. He drank earl grey tea.
  • The Little Prince's rose felt neglected and was getting cranky. "We never go anywhere," she grumbled from beneath her glass cloche. It had never occurred to the Prince to dig her
  • up another rose as a companion. He wasn't sure if she was a hetero, homo, or bi sexual rose, so he dug her up one of each. But even after that, the Little Prince's rose remained
  • faithful to him, protected under her glass jar. As the years passed, the Little Prince grew, and the rose started to wilt. As her last petal fell, she transformed into a princess.
  • She was more than a handful and broke the glass jar. He cut his fingers while helping her, so she had to rush him to the hospital. Apparently the princess' power had to recharge
  • batteries with a single look. They called her the princess of power. Not to be confused with the energizer bunny. The poser princess had never worked for playboy or playskool.
  • But she had her own playbook. It had gotten her this far and it would get her to her destination of being the first poser princess to become President.


  1. Rebbie Feb 17 2017 @ 19:22

    *Power not Poser. Although given she started life as a rose it is quite possible both fit.

  2. SlimWhitman Feb 19 2017 @ 07:05

    Why does this playbook sound familiar?

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