As I was riding in the U-boat there was a

  • As I was riding in the U-boat there was a plane in the mist a while away but I went ahead and told the captin. The captin
  • pulled out his magical pony gun and screaed, "I WILL TURN INTO A POP TART CAT AND BLOW THAT PLANE TO PIECES WITH MY RAINBOW SHIT!!" And so he id, but the plane, at the last second,
  • dodged the incoming rainbow projectile. Mr. Toots the pony fired a second rainbow from his arse but this time with the intent of turning the plane into a snake.
  • Then that dirty little boy from Australia started singing about "Snakes and the Dreaming." Finally Hugh Jackman about lost his shit, what started out as a flubbed line turned
  • into a diatribe from a mopey Kevin Spacey:"Even a baby could do it,"he pouted,"Even a baby who was dumb & stupid in the face." Morgan & that guy from 12 Monkeys weren't impressed.
  • Kevin Spacey set down the chainsaws. "All right, Mr. Shawshank, you try it!" Morgan juggled. The Circus of the Stars was a battleground for celebrities with issues. Bruce Willis
  • then pulled out his sunglasses, muttering "Hasta la vista, baby." In response, Arnold Schwarzenegger yelled out, "Hey, that's my line, you jerk!"
  • John Charles Day's head popped out of a floorboard. "No! That's MY line, a**hole!" Bob Barker clunked him over the head."NO! That's MY line.Your line is WHAT's My Line!" Schwarzene
  • gger pushed then both out of the way. "Where's my line?" he asked desperately. He needed his drug and he needed it now. Eric Clapton's hand shot out of the dark & pointed towards
  • the sky. The blue, blue sky. He looked up, expecting his fix to magically appear from up above where the Clapton was pointing. Then Bang! His right eye caught a bird's poop.


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