kool aid sang what what what in da butt

  • kool aid sang what what what in da butt
  • Ugh, why couldn't they just play T.V without adverts. During the ad break I gazed out the window and saw an old squid flapping about on the beach.
  • That's odd, I thought and turned back to watch 'Celebrity Name Game.' By the next break, hordes of squids had washed onto the shore. I then noticed a low hum coming from the TV.
  • Upon closer inspection, I discovered a small buddhist monk was hiding inside my old crt set. He didn't notice me. He was greased up with vaseline and wrestling with a giant squid
  • I leant in to my TV and heard the tiny buddhist monk chanting to the squid saying "Love with your head and heart. Love with your very self.." The squid was shooting off penises
  • from the bodies of the dead. But the most unusual thing was that Squid used the pistol left tentacled, when every marine biologist worth their salt KNOWS Squid are righties..unless
  • they've been involved in a underwater skuffle and lost said rightie or their brains are wired altogether differently.. This Squid had both squiddy appendages, so something must be
  • happening in the afterwash aftermath. "If you wan't, I can come back after Mass", offered the twice squidly Squid, blinking nervously with it's one eye. "Ok, see you after Mass", I
  • stammered as I wrestled with the newfound reality that octopods could be Catholic. The Twice Squidly Squid followed me into church and kept his one eye on me as I took communion.
  • The priest, spooked by the squid, ran for the confessional, taking an altar boy as protection. The squid sighed, mounted the altar, and lifted a wafer. “BodyofChrist?” it gurgled.


  1. Woab Mar 07 2018 @ 12:10

    Holy mother o' squids! I am fairly inking over the wondrous absurdism in this one.

  2. TarotGuy Mar 07 2018 @ 12:43

    Amazing how that squid survived in the story from beginning to end. That's OCTO-POWER!

  3. Woab Mar 07 2018 @ 13:08

    Well, folds 2-10, anyway. Shall we call it a nonagon for an octopod?

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