It had seemed like a good idea at the time.

  • It had seemed like a good idea at the time. But Sylvia's job was on the line. And Walmart's Fashion Week Pavillion wasn't exactly
  • cracking the code of fashion legend. Sylvia was jamming Project Runway against Kathy Lee's fall collection for the sub $20 pant suit set. Taking it up a notch, she throat-kicked Sh
  • ia Labeouf and he skidded across the runway. A runway model stepped on his thumb meat with 9 inch heels and punctured it. Caught, she tripped (too much coke + kettle1), her mirror
  • shattered into thousands of pieces, and the souls of all the burgers and pizzas she had purged came out soaring in the air and
  • formed into a giant pizza vortex, which swallowed the whole town. It was now up to Roddy to
  • to find the holy hand granade before it was too late. If he failed then his dream of becoming a
  • great hero was just another open sore into which his mother would poke her thumb. "Timmy, you'll never amount to a pile of warm shit," she'd say. It's no wonder he set out on
  • his self destructive path of Dado Masochist making irregular ogive's on all his treasured furniture designs. His furniture looked like it had been made by a child using the best
  • equipment available. It was magnificent furniture that he had designed. His work was subsequently featured in Good Housekeeping, Better Housekeeping, and Best Housekeeping.
  • Sadly, his hide-a-bed collapsed in the middle of the night. Multiple customers sued for the entombment and claustrophobic distress. He was lost with a settee and no name.


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