"It's a show about a guy who leaps into different

  • "It's a show about a guy who leaps into different bodies... I've called it Quantum Leap." I said. The TV execs eyed me suspiciously like they'd heard it all before. "It's new...
  • but can you back up the premise for longer than four years?" I was Belissario. Little did I know I'd find the same conundrum as Sliders waiting for me in the years ahead. Then it
  • dawned on me that time travel was impossible. My childhood dreams of travelling back in time to kill Hitler was impossible. Alternate universes however were highly probable
  • to break into my reverie while I sat in front of the inventory spreadsheet. My cubicle slipped into a Bran discontinuity rematerializing the antiverse where accountants are worship
  • -ing George Harrison's fingers. In the Webula Vortex of the Antiverse I could fly by holding up my mouse. I rocketed through wormholes where giant Swingline Staplers cackled and
  • Sang "My Sweet Lord" to the mouse. It became an elephant, the vehicle of Lord Ganesh. A cow walked into the room, greeting the elephant and everyone, including George Harrison.
  • Normally when one looks like a cow and moos like a cow, one is probably a cow. But when George Harrison played "Here Comes the Sun" the cow transformed into
  • a blue meanie. Smiling a sinister grin, the meanie reached into its fur and pulled out a
  • potato. Yet this was not an ordinary potato. This was a magical potato. And this magical potato was in the hands of the blue meanie. As the meanie pulled out the potato, he
  • turned blue-green. A worm had wriggled inside and eaten the magic potato as it went. It transformed into a giant and swallowed its attacker whole. The meanie met his messy end.


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