Jeremy calculated that every possible person

  • Jeremy calculated that every possible person worth dating on the internet for a given individual lived precisely (2*age)/ (inverse square of mass - 100 kg) miles away, making the
  • odds of him meeting the perfect woman almost nil. You know what they say about necessity being the Mother of Invention? Yeah, well, Jeremy being pretty clever with knitting needles
  • set up a quickie abortion shop on a boat off the coast of Ireland. The pregnant Irish catholic women would row out to sea and wave a green lantern to Jeremy
  • aka Master Jeremy who's principal job it was to offload the expectant mothers, ply them with rum and then process them with a coathanger and a few verses from the King James bible
  • Or rather his job was principle of a school for teen mothers. Knowledgeable people had kicked them all in the crotch for stupidity, but Master Jeremy could fleece them for cash by
  • biting the recess ladies breast. Master Jeremy then went into the class and spoke, today. Now, Napolean was a slave, but he hated Master Jeremy.
  • Master Jeremy was a very cunning, charming man. All very positive adjectives, yes, but he was a slick, slimy man who would stab you in the back faster than you could say, "
  • What the hell, Master Jeremy, why are you stabbing me in the back? What did I do to you? You were once such a cunning, charming man, but now I see it's an illusion." Admittedly,
  • Sir Derkinson complained, "Jeremy! Stop this back stabbing at once! My back is already sore from this morning and now it's bleeding. You stupid
  • peasant!" He reached behind him and slapped Jeremy, making sure to leave a large mark, go home, your mother wants you. This was how Jeremy's adventures ended.


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