I told the pet shop owner, I was looking

  • I told the pet shop owner, I was looking for something different. He showed me a terrarium with two mounds at either end. "They're war ants, quite amusing but never let them out."
  • Now This looked interesting. My cousin and I had been playing pranks on each other since we attended the citywide ecclesiastical camp. War Ants in his jock strap! Just thinking of
  • it made us want to pull into the Southern mini-mart. Later we were pulled over and arrested by the police for murder. We were innocent. My cousin was a lawyer back East, he
  • was really terrible. The next morning, Big Dogg Tonebone was doing the eenie-meenie-miney-moe to decide which of us would be his bitch.
  • He decided on the cute little Yorkie in the back of the kennel. They went on walkies in the park and he put a pretty bow in her top knot. "Yes, you iz my snuggums," said Bigg Dogg.
  • But on one of Bigg Dogg's walks, his Yorkie fell into a river and was swept away. The current swept her away faster than he could run, so he quickly made a raft.
  • He made a raft the fastest way he knew how. He grabbed the nearest forest animal, a sleeping Kodiak, and with a grunt threw it into the river. He just had to catch up to his Yorkie
  • . The Kodiak awoke with a great bellow of a roar. It rose up on its hind legs and began to paw the air while slowly walking towards him. He knew this would happen.
  • He knew it ever since he'd hit it with the spray can long ago. He tripped over himself as he scurried away from the mighty Kodiak, who
  • took out a shiny steel baseball bat. You apologize for spray painting, he accepts your apology. You go home to bed and you close your eyes and relax. Time for another day.


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