The first person who read this didn't add

  • The first person who read this didn't add anything.
  • ..to this story, I mean. Maybe I misunderstood. Maybe I'm just being a smartass. Maybe it is the second person who read this who has nothing meaningful to add. Perhaps if the next
  • person took the time to think. But this is folding story, and the seconds are ticking, so as the third person... nope, blank. If I had something deep and meaningful to add, I would
  • definitely try to incorporate it into a folding story. However fate and the previous writers are not always kind to us. We must just try as we may to perpetuate the story without
  • good grammar, a sensible plot or an inkling of proper direction. Screw fate and previous writers. This is a story about a boy and a girl--one for the ages! Once upon a time there
  • Actually, the story starts now. Screw "Once upon a time" ! I'll begin with a "BAM!" The door slammed despite her previous pleas. She screamed in pain as the noise blasted into her
  • She shut her ears with her hands, but couldn't keep herself from staring wide eyed at the scene in front of her. Her front room was falling apart, the wall had crumblEd down
  • curtosy of Ed the human canonball, who's head was poking through the shattered widescreen. "That's all folks" he said as Looney Tune ended spot on. Shannah screamed.
  • Bugs Bunny came running and asked Shannah if she was okay. She pointed to the garage and the 2,384,137 pieces of glass to be somehow vacuumed up. She shook her head and sneezed.
  • "Allergic to work, huh?" said Bugs. Shannah nodded. So Bugs vacuumed up the glass and recycled it like a good bunny. He won Citizen of the Year. And Shannah got butkus.


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 11 2016 @ 18:22

    Way to let the story build up with all that noncommital banter folders 1 to 5: It makes the 'Bam!' occuring in fold 6 and the one fold delay before Ed's head careens into fold number 8 all the more dramatic. Like he was in flight.

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