A cold wet wind blew in my face as I walked

  • A cold wet wind blew in my face as I walked along the beach. I heard the cracking of drift wood behind me as the moon lit my pathway. The hair on my neck tingled and
  • I whirled around. It was just my assistant. "Damn it, Sims. Why are you skulking about the beach this hour?" "I could ask the same thing". "I was following the Gogonatus tracks."
  • "I am not sulking, its Radhey who whirled in with his younger brother Krsna with a mike" said Sims. "Forget the tracks where's the chocolate, Radhey?"
  • "You want to know where's the chocolate? THE chocolate? I'll tell you where the chocolate is! And when you know you'll say there's the chocolate!" Screamed Radhey and he said,
  • "It's all in the belly of the sarlacc... every last ounce! If you want THE chocolate, you have to go in there and get it." Radhey started dancing the polka as all the sweet-tooth
  • polka dancers around the world united to herald the age-old tradition of monster-throat chocolate-diving. "Straight down the hatch without a scratch!" the audience taunted.
  • Puzzled, the polka dancers swirled their skirts & scherzed away. Frankie Yankovic winked as they transitioned into the "Too Fat Polka," celebrating monsters & chocolate. A hunky
  • rogue drove his motorcycle onto the dance floor, flattening poor Mr. Meep, the accounting teacher. The rogue gunned the motor, kicked up the stand and removed his helmet, revealing
  • all that dry gray matter,a face distorted into a cruel grin and the wrinkles from many many years of evil doing.The rogue pointed a bony finger at Mr.Meep,and when he laughed at
  • the only joke even told, Mr. Meep flipped his hair and sucked his thumb. Coping before punishment.


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