"What is with all these freaking medicine

  • "What is with all these freaking medicine men in these stories?" I bellowed at my computer. "Why can't we have benign, non-racist topics like the merits of green and purple grapes?
  • The purple grapes sharpened their own stems, impaled green grapes left and right, then used the green grapes' pits to lob projectiles at more green grapes. It was grape-on-grape
  • race warfare, and I couldn't pick a grape to bankroll. When I think grape juice, I think purple, but green complements my kitchen. I airdropped some white grapes for the green army
  • that had been stationed in my kitchen. The green army consisted of two stoners armed with hackey sacks.
  • But those two green army stoners ate me out of house and home. The devoured everything I could haul home....daily runs to Costco didn't seem to put a dent in their appetites
  • for generic cheese puffs in transparent plastic barrels. Finally I told them that even though I was grateful for their sacrifices in the military, they would have to start paying
  • me in gold doubloons. Or I was going to pole dace at their school in nothing but my studded leather thong and all my glorious 300lbs skin. Would they pay? Or would I dance?
  • The face in the mirror said "Hell no!" I asked my identical twin to do it and she sang "Why don't we do it cin the road?" So we had to find a suitable location. That was the hard
  • part that went behind the malleable minds of the chosen few deemed worthy of our sibling esteem. Our Twin Powers fell short in that regard & the town would suffer for it forever.
  • However being the great beast I was, I decided that forgiveness was the way to move forward. Life is too short to keep hurting or putting others down. We rebuilt and became new.


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