I was immeasurably pissed off. I had the

  • I was immeasurably pissed off. I had the rows in my zen garden perfectly aligned, each rock balanced, each shadow beautiful. Then when placing the rake back in it's place, a door
  • to the underworld opened in the bamboo screen & a group of ghost ronin charged through making a mess of the carefully raked wavelet patterns. But when I saw what was pursuing them
  • I understood. The Jade Wraiths wanted to put an end to the Ghost Ronin. Masterless and headless, they were a disgrace to the Dark Realms. The Jade Wraiths used their claws to
  • open jars of pickets, but the wraiths' jade claws ruined the lids so they could never be closed again. The other Dark Realms hated that. Plus, the Nonsequitur Eye disapproved.
  • Vlasic pickles were their favourites, especially kosher dills. The Nonsequitur Eye regretted going to the Super H Mart, now that the wraiths craved chicken for dinner. Argh! No one
  • thought to ask how wraiths ate chicken, let alone dill pickles. The Nonsequitur Eye batted its spooky lashes three times. Suddenly a home-cooked meal materialized before them.
  • This was too much for The Eye. Things shouldn't appear out of nowhere. The Eye assumed it had lost it's mind. It closed its lid and took three deep breaths. When it opened again,
  • It was time to go to work. It popped in its contacts and headed out into the night. Miles off down the boulevard it spotted a cab in amongst the blurry trails of headlights.
  • He timed the throw of his grenade. 'The city must burn. The city must burn.' But a hand gripped him before he could bomb the traffic.
  • "Luke!" said a tall man dressed all n black. His voice was strained and gravelly. "I am your father".


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