Dustin could not believe his luck. Having

  • Dustin could not believe his luck. Having found out that he was named for the song "Dust In The Wind", he had sped off in his mother's car in disgust, just to crash it a block away
  • right into the Hot Topic store window. But his mom's Prius was stopped by a USA Today newspaper machine. Dustin flew headfirst into the shop. Covered in blood and glass made him
  • see red. The window had said 50% off! But where were the sale items? He had his heart set on finding a deep discounted bustier and stocking suspenders. But nothing was on sale!
  • With a burning desire in her eyes she marched into the store. Before she knew it the sensation started spreading, and soon the entire store had caught on fire. As she ran
  • to the bathroom in a futile attempt to put her fire out, she started to realize that the fire didn't cause her pain. "Am I a superhero?" she wondered. "What a dumb power."
  • She quickly realized that she also had the ability to shoot the foam that comes in fire extinguishers directly from her nostrils. After extinguishing herself, she smiled. "Time to
  • go home and relax, have a cuppa and put the telly on." After such an eventful day, she felt that she deserved a rest, and that sometimes people should just sort themselves out.
  • She shuffled to the sofa in her house dress and curlers. The Outcasts was playing on the tele, her favorite. Suddenly, a brick crashed into her Earl Grey and tea china. "Oh Crum,
  • I'm so pissed, I just lost my Britishness," she said. "Now I'm going to watch soccer on the television and eat potato chips... but I still care too much about the Royal Wedding."
  • As the last of the Britishness oozed out through the cracks under the doors, she found that she just didn't care about caring about the Royal Wedding.


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