Roberta was fed up! The population had exploded

  • Roberta was fed up! The population had exploded & she could no longer grab her favourite seat on the bus. Drastic action had to be taken. She decided to
  • dig out her old family jetpack. Off she flew to work. She didn't enjoy cleaning toilets all day, but someone had to do it! When she finally arrived...
  • she noticed that no one was there! Where was everone? As she approached the doors to the office, there was a lone security guard. He greeted her gruffly. "Mornin' Ma'am. It seems
  • someone thought it would be funny to phone in a bomb threat." She smirked. "Can't I just go in &get my laptop then?" "Fraid not ma'am'" he said. She dropped the grenade in his lap
  • but had forgotten to pull the pin. He grinned, he pulled the pin and stuffed down the top of her lap. He said, "Ha ha ha, you're an idiot." Then he ran out of the building to get
  • away from her. But her leotards held the grenades handle in place keeping it from arming. She went to the open window over the front door;extracted the grenade dropped it on him.
  • She waited ten seconds - nothing happened. He opened the pin and quickly flung it back at her. She tried to run but the huge bulldog in front of her refused to budge. She tried to
  • run around it, but the bulldog was too fast for her. She even attempted to outwit it with logic and wordplay, but this was one cunning bulldog. Meanwhile, her adversary was taking
  • liberties with the beandip that she'd so carefully prepared for this afternoon's luncheon. He was spooning it into a large tortilla and the dip was nearly gone. If only the bulldog
  • at the end of the receiving line would stop with all its frothing! No matter how eager the dog was for cilantro, she'd left it out of this batch to make room for the Paris green.


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