I want to tell you a story.Full of magic,friendship,and

  • I want to tell you a story.Full of magic,friendship,and love.But also madness,torture, and despair.It's not an easy tale to grasp,so pay attention.First,there was The Rabbit.
  • he lost a race against a turtle. The rabbit cursed his magic shoes, and went away to live alone. One day he found a friend called Grace. They both fell in love. But Grace was mad
  • As a hatter and the rabbit left her soon after / The magic shoes, with gleesome pride, started dancing on rabbit's insides / The rabbit screamed, "Oh Lima Beans! / How dreadfully
  • that sounds out loud!" / It was the worst party they had ever seen / None of the dancing made Mother proud / It did however gather a small herd of cows / They were searching for
  • their life's purpose / But their minds were just a blank surface / The cows, they mooed, so melancholy / They did not realise they were holy / In religions such as Hinduism /
  • They were seen as god's own jism. / But in the west they were just meat / Something that your kids won't eat. / It's a mercy then, that cows don't think / their cowpies fall but do
  • not sink / But Stink they do just like a flower / god's own jism has the power / to make cow utters fill with cream /and down god's leg a human stream / love supreme for all to see
  • /it's how we all here came to be./ The Truth is you and you is Truth/ God's name is yours & your's is Ruth./ So drink the Milk of godly jism/ And live your life like Dadaism/
  • For Dada is our Papa/ Thru his Wordjism we were made/ And our Mama is Chance/ A fickle Dame/ Do you see why we wear no pants/ Why we play this prickly Game?/ My 9 siblings and I/
  • have mandibles a-plenty, they and I/and though we be not octopi/our tentacles are, you might agree, sufficient/and we invite you to our salon for tea/in this our cosmic sea.


  1. SlimWhitman May 04 2018 @ 03:01

    boy has a tendency to start strange poems & dirges. http://foldingstory.com/ncpk9/

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