I was walking home from the pub across the

  • I was walking home from the pub across the fields when I saw on the hill a bonfire with witches dancing. A very beautiful witch only wearing a cutty sark stopped to stare at me
  • I was amazed at first, but gradually felt funny. The bonefire seemed bigger and I even could feel the heat. The witch kept on starring at me while dancing. I was mesmerized. She
  • was dizzy. Together we were Hypnotic Vertigo. She played drums and I sang. I kept falling off the stage and kareening around while she kept a steady beat. The crazy thing was that
  • people actually listened to this faux-rock processed rubbish. Ah well, it's their lives I suppose.
  • He twisted the tips of his handlebar. "I knew about faux-rock even before it became big. We were being ironic and you fell for it!"
  • As he spoke, he felt boulder than ever before. In the past, people had taken him for granite, but now with his handlebar moustache & conglomerate personality, he could rock
  • the Quarry. He was prospecting for gems in the rough & stumbled on Petra. She had craggy features & a stony disposition but he was sure if he chipped away... He fondled his mustac
  • He and wondered about Petra. Was she just another golddigger? He would find out later, but we digress. It was only 3:00:37 am and tufted away was the rest of the day. Ladyfingers
  • we're strewn haphazardly all around the excavation site like mysiogonistic Drumpf sound bites. Petra lay unconscious beside her metal detector like a drunken millenia Bernboi. The
  • twindled direwarg bleeted incessantly, whispering its doom. Netherwords to all stepped on the site, tittering their feet on relics of olde. Petra came to, sickly and unaware birds


  1. LordVacuity Aug 09 2016 @ 21:48

    Either stupid autocorrect strikes again or it was because of my sausage like fat fingers but that should have read "were" and not "we're" in my fold.

  2. LordVacuity Aug 09 2016 @ 21:53

    Guess I spelled misogynistic wrong as well. I fault some woman for that. PS: For the sarcasm challenged, that was a joke. PPS: I am not saying that is a joke for those who are sarcasm challenged but that the sarcasm challenged might not have realized that it was a joke.

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