Who watches the Watchmen? The Arcturians,

  • Who watches the Watchmen? The Arcturians, the Orionex and the 11th Ephemerid, that's who. Well, and China. Our cosmic friendlies kept watchful eyes on Earth's spylords and waited
  • until the Watchmen's economy had become weakened by cheap, sub-market, imported goods. Then they jacked up the prices and laughed. China owned the Watchmen, but the 11th Ephemerid
  • was something they couldn't pronounce. The Chinese government forced its citizens to pretend that the movie, "The Watchmen" was entertaining. But the peasants in the Guangxi provi
  • dence, RI, had a hard time adapting to the local cinema culture. These people had no concept of New Wave! And they were "sophisticated"? The peasants began to open Netflix accounts
  • And watched only old movies. Providence, RI was the home of several quahog families, who joined the peasants in front of the tellie. It took three years for them to watch CLTV.
  • The extended length of time was negligible. These hard-shelled clams are the longest living animals in the world. Scientists accidentally kill world's quahog at age 507 when they
  • show the quahog kindness. Unable to find the Other Shoe, the quahog died of massive confusion. Being as it was 507 years old, the quahog was very large with a very large shell. By
  • golly, it was a humdinger of a dead quahog. It lay in state (or so its large family thought) in a glass case at the entrance of the Ocean Hall at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural
  • Herstory, to mark the beginning of Man Season. Citizens spent the preceding week picking out and sharpening blades from clam shells for the coming Man Hunt festivities.
  • These involved setting a MANtrap by digging a MANhole and throwing MANgoes inside the MANhole. The MANhunt begun when the Mandolin stopped playing.


  1. Woab Dec 22 2018 @ 14:35

    Man oh Manischewitz...

  2. SlimWhitman Dec 24 2018 @ 07:22

    Who watches the WatchwoMEN?

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