Her life started like any other, she was

  • Her life started like any other, she was born in a hospital. Her older sister waiting anticipating the arrival of her younger sibling. Then finally the anticipation was paid off.
  • To the tune of $100,000 and a "Baby Off Board" sticker, the typical haul for a surrogate birth. Her would-be sister handed baby Amy to her new family and did a make-it-rain gesture
  • Sure enough She began to cry tears of joy. The sweet little bundle of joy in her arms squirmed and cooed. Baby Amy's tiny eyes opened and she grabbed a handful of hair.
  • Baby Amy had an unexpectedly strong grip for an infant, and managed to tear a clump of hair out of her scalp. Now she began to cry tears of pain. Baby Amy nearly did it again, but
  • Some one did something
  • Faces in the crowd set in stone. A lifetime of continued silence followed. Until finally, emerged a
  • n awkward cough followed by a question of utmost importance. "So...Why did the chicken cross the road?" the voice rang over the stony faces of the crowd, and echoed into oblivion.
  • The audience went silent for five minutes. The Great Watch In The Sky timed it as 5:02:44. Salvador Dali was holding it anxiously. The voice repeated the question after nobody
  • dared say a word. Finally, one guy sitting in the back raised his hand. "Uh, does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody care?" Salvador Dali gripped The Great Watch
  • and folded it up like a great big floppy pancake, then poured on maple syrup. "Simultaneity is relative to the observer's reference frame. Only your capitalist overlords care."


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