There was an old lady who swallowed a fly.

  • There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. I don't know why she swallowed the fly. She'll probably die. She swallowed a spider to catch the fly that riggled and jiggled inside her.
  • The fly was a hip-hop dancer (fly girl), and it clapped (3 pairs), when the spider riggled and jiggled. The vain spider bowed. "Hey, let's get out of this woman who swallowed up
  • this circus." But the spider, the fly, and even the rat could not find the exit from endosomatophilia. They were alarmed when a fourth descended the passage, mewling for a cheese-
  • ectomy. I suppose this nesting doll routine that they'd all gotten themselves into could use a good snack. If in the group-hug endosomatophilia, some cheese had been TRAPPED, then
  • it'd be one big happy cheese-eating lovefest! I wheeled in a six-foot round of Scottish smoked gubeen and a case of fine merlot and we all sat there inside each other, munching hap
  • and sipping snee and smoking gloot. Hours later, recognition set in. "Hold on," I alerted my companions, " we brought in gubeen and merlot -- so why are we eating hap? And sipping
  • Death's Door vodka at 3am? Where was that place called Death's Door? We had to fold a story to find out, but back to the present moment when the vodka bottle spoke to us. "Hiya!",
  • I would've said if the vodka bottle would've spoken in a language I'd understood. Only it didn't. At least that's what I thought at first. It seemed the bottle spoke to each of us
  • in an own kind of jibberish. I did sound familiar though. Like the backwards talking I practiced with my little brother when we were young. "?elttob akdov ,uoy era woH", I asked.
  • ".deen ouy tahw tsuj m'I," it replied, and I drank. My vision blurred, and as the shot glasses giggled, I sank to my knees. The floor smiled up at me. ",pleeS" it suggested. I did.


  1. SlimWhitman May 06 2016 @ 14:10

    I like how backwards talking gets difficult with more vodka and he Seelps. By the way are backwards talking and side talking related?

  2. xxkahloxx May 06 2016 @ 14:27

    I thought it might look too much like a typo, so thanks for noticing the slurred backwards talk! (It's a distant cousin)

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