My hand hovered over the button. I didn't

  • My hand hovered over the button. I didn't believe it was the decision my palm faced, but the coffee that left me shaky. "Don't do it--not to them," I heard her from behind me.
  • But I hit the button anyway. I mean, $5mil to press a button? With debt this high, you would probably press the button too. What happened next was totally unexpected.
  • Unexpected to find that there wasn't a catch. I pocketed the $5mil and left with a huge grin on my face, skipping along the pavement. The button had done it all, I was so pleased.
  • Then 5 minutes later, I seen someone in the distance coming towards me. He was running to me. I didn't know what to do. Was he running to me? Oh no, he has a gun.
  • All I could think was RUN! I headed back down the alley into the darkness. I was hoping he didn't see me, but he did. I ran as fast as I could and I tripped
  • the light fantastic. I had moves like Jagger. With a tip of my top hat, I tapped him forcefully with my cane. The assailant succumbed to my jazz hands.
  • There was nothing left for him to do except stand there, perplexed as to how the situation turned into this fantastical showcase. He became mesmerized by my exemplary
  • showmanship skills, as I demonstrated the capabilities of various objects around the room. Faster and louder I wowed him by exhibiting unappreciated qualities of everyday household
  • Frosty, looked more and more excited with every appliance that buzzed, beeped, and banged. All of a sudden he opened his gigantic mouth and swallow the whole world in one huge gulp
  • . "Hey, wait a minute!" Little Johnny cried, pointing to the book on my lap. "That's not how the story ends! Start over, Mommy!" I sighed & began again. "Once upon a time..."


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