I wont finosh these lyrics and Guiness until

  • I wont finosh these lyrics and Guiness until feminin women are on my linens and dimmin lights of my vision. At night we kissin ditchin superstition that religion is sayin we are si
  • ghin' and we're lyin' like the dusty rug beneath our feet. Jane smiled, but silently reconsidered why she'd agreed to date Myron in the first place. Why did he express himself like
  • a rapid package delivery service? He shook one hand with the other to order a martini, a bar code he explained. But Jane found that behind Myron's odd behavior there was a
  • consistent pattern of anonymous benevolence. Myron seemed to be committing random acts of kindness with no apparent benefit to himself. But why? Jane watched Myron sip his martini
  • and transform into the beneviolent Myron Man, complete with utilitarian belt. "Death to all not-nice things," he proclaimed. I hid. "That's after one sip of alcohol? I wonder what
  • life would be like sober and then shudder. Worrying is just focusing on things you don't want to have happen. Myron Man reappeared at the party after a mysterious disappearance
  • And announced he was now a Chronosaurus. No one had heard of that creature, but it was back from extinction and seeked humans to populate Galaxy X22.
  • At first there were riots from the number of humans wanted to go to Galaxy X22 but then Big Hair, seeing the numbers that were leaving and their capital with them had it shut down.
  • At that point Big Hair found himself ruler of nobody but the most ill and poverty-striken. They were too poor to pay taxes and too weak to work. Big Hair sat on his throne and
  • and determined he'd sell their bodies to science. Harvesting their organs, he eventually hired new citizenry. They rebelled & Big Hair's personal organs were used to cured cancer.


  1. Woab May 24 2017 @ 13:02

    Whoa Rebbie, you pulled a happy ending out of that disaster! "Worrying is just focusing on things you don't want to have happen." - Moral End

  2. Rebbie May 24 2017 @ 13:03

    Thanks Woab and Moral End that is - TRUTH!

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