It had been a dark and rainy night. Thunder

  • It had been a dark and rainy night. Thunder clapped across the inky sky. Heath walked along the cobbled path, thinking to himself:
  • "I wonder how I got to be here, walking on a cobblestone path in the rainy night, all alone..." This thought troubled Heath, as he began to recap his entire night in his head.
  • His night had started at the local pub with a pint of beer. Then Heath had met up with some friends, had dinner together, then gone to watch the game. What happened after? He did
  • . Although he couldn't explain it, as soon as he woke up the next morning -- his face was all over the papers! Not in a bad way, but in a glamorous way. He was happening!
  • Alerted by noise from outside, he saw from a top window his front lawn crammed with reporters & photographers trampling his grass. Now, where was his toupee? He'd barely donned it
  • before it grabbed the few hairs he had left and yanked them to get his attention. He hollered and reached for the toupee but the toupee pulled even harder. "You want to look good?"
  • The toupee fell off his head and onto the ground. He had hair under his toupee? What now!?
  • Either temporary insanity or pure genius prompted him to announce: "Everyone stay calm&be; quiet! This is part of the plan & we're being watched! Pretend nothing happened!" His hai
  • r was matted with blood.You could see the fear & stupefaction leaving his face as he noticeably shifted into a predatory stance.His arms stretched outward to calm everyone as he
  • -ll opened its fiery maw. He leapt up into the air, turning several times before he did a swan dive into his Forever Home. To this day, no-one will park their car on that spot.


  1. Woab May 04 2018 @ 15:57

    This is the price of unearned fame.

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