As I stand outside in the middle of the street,

  • As I stand outside in the middle of the street, wind and snow slap around my hair. I thought to myself, "This was a mistake" as I was standing in a blizzard
  • she drove past. She stopped, rolled her window down and asked where I was headed. I told her I was lost. She told me to hop in, so I did. She had long, dark brown hair, and her
  • Eyes were a very vibrant shade of green. I looked at her in Aww. She was so pretty and I thought maybe I had a shot at getting with her. As we drove closer and closer to town I saw
  • she seemed distracted. "We are approaching my sister. You're a good driver and a handsome guy. There she is! Could you pull over?" Her sister's eyes were also vibrant green. Twins?
  • Her sister was almost as amazed at me, the handsome guy driving the nice care that we pulled up in. She quickly got into the car.
  • "Where to, lady?" I asked her as I let the dimple in my chin glisten in the streetlamps. "I don't care," said she, so I stepped on the gas and peeled wheels out of town. The night
  • the night was young, and this girl was obviously hurting. I thought that maybe just driving could help, maybe take the pain away for a moment.
  • So we drove, not knowing where we were driving, we just drove. Sitting in silence watching the many stars pass by, slowly the hurting started to fade.
  • As the miles and minutes disappeared, memories began to take their place. Memories of a childhood once lost to the sands of time.
  • And those memories should have STAYED lost; they were so lousy. No one ever listened to me. Isn’t that terrible, doctor? Doctor? Doctor, WAKE UP, I’m trying to tell you something!


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