Marilyn laughed her bubbly laugh, wiping

  • Marilyn laughed her bubbly laugh, wiping the spillt wine off her dress like it was water. She picked up another cocktail and toasted the new year, her eyes steady and her voice
  • sounding like an idiot doped up on opiates and had inhaled helium from a baloon, she said, "HAHAHAHAHAHA being hot means no acountability!!!!" Then she reached for the
  • rubber duck she had in her pocket and squeezed its head. Strangely enough, the rubber duck
  • started to bleed, staining her pants from the inside out. She was mortified.
  • She took the thin blade from her back pocket and cut around the blood stain. Digging in deep, she searched for a bullet, hoping to scrape the lead, but not too much. Her jaws
  • clenched in anticipation. All this just to steal a kidney! It was supposed to be a simple operation, but she had forgotten the ice, and the drugs hadn't kicked in by the time she
  • started to stir. Maybe steling a kidney wasn't the route to take after all. New techniques had allegedly been invented to remove all organs & a pateints personality simply by
  • smearing them with yogurt. It seemed odd, but she took out her pot of yogurt and began. Surprisingly
  • the rubes began to exhibit signs of culture. Some felt peachy, some vanilla. Biff changed his name to Bifidus, and
  • was taken aback at how people suddenly treated him like a god. For Bifidus truly was a god. A god finally coming into his own.


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