Brothers Neil and Lance both grew up dreaming

  • Brothers Neil and Lance both grew up dreaming of going to the moon. Lance thought to get to the moon he'd have to get really high. Neil approached the challenge with a
  • Ph.D. in Lunar Astronautics and a double minor in Perchlorates and Sibling Shaming. Brother Neil made it to the moon. Brother Lance wore the yellow jacket with the scarlet C on it.
  • But it was Brother Rabbit that had the last laugh. Sure the Astronauts had been on the moon. But Brother Rabbit. of "Brer Rabbit" as the old folks called him had outwitted Lance Ar
  • mstrong & reached the black rabbit hole first. Brer Rabbit jumped in & fell...& fell...& kept falling until Uncle Remus' large arms caught him. "An' juss where you been?" Uncle Rem
  • us' eyebrows waggled, resembling overgrown fuzzy caterpillars, hypnotizing the poor bun. Remus hollered into his floppy ears, "Er ye deaf?!" But Rabbit was too clever for Remus and
  • pulled a saxophone out of the briar. Charlie Parker, Ornette Colemen, Morphine -- man, this Rabbit cat had range! Remus hated jazz in all of its forms, so he retreated to his
  • Hole in the ground and performed jug band music. The wildlife gathered round to hear it because it was so Much fun. Chipmunks sang along. Farmer Astronaut filmed it in its entirety
  • and posted it on YouTube where it set a record for being the only post never to have any hits at all. Even Farmer Astronaut didn't bother to view it. No-one knew it had acheived
  • The Singularity until everything started to fall into it. It started by sucking in all the common sense in the world. After that uncommon sense & One Direction, & Ru Paul, & soon
  • Everything was inside the singularity except itself. Then with just a little bit of extra effort it managed to suck itself in and with a loud POP all was gone even the POP. Fin.


  1. Woab Jul 30 2016 @ 12:32

    Sibling rivalry, rabbits, jazz, complete annihilation of the known world... what more could you want in a story?

  2. SlimWhitman Aug 01 2016 @ 17:51

    A wormhole? Oh, it is/was/will be that too. ;-)

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