The colors of sunset filled the sky as Angie

  • The colors of sunset filled the sky as Angie drove her car out and onto the freeway. After 30 years of marriage she'd had enough. She had drugged Ed's donut filling. He lay dying
  • on the kitchen floor. It was a hot day out, and after a few miles Angie was running low on gas. She spied a station and pulled in--next to a police officer, playing it as cool as a
  • Frosty the Snowman on a hot summer's day. The police officer obviously suspected something was up. Quickly, I
  • grabbed a blow dryer, aiming it at the officer. To my horror (and relief) he melted away under the warm air.
  • He was a shrinky-dink cop
  • working on the good ship Lollypop
  • what a sweet trip, to the candy shop, where bon bons cost forty dollars, were melted on a high class "model"and eaten with chopsticks by Japanese business men. Fifty cent corrupted
  • the entire high-end candy shop model with his crude lyrics. Japanese the world over looked back fondly upon that golden time of flesh and sugar.
  • I noticed zombies eating that golden time of flesh. However, they eated all the fuckin sugar and i kill'd them with a
  • giant piece of flypaper. But even seeing them stuck to the paper and moaning for brains, I couldn't kill them and I just threw it in the bin. Hope the garbage man wears gloves.


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