The man with a machine heart whispered to

  • The man with a machine heart whispered to his armless companion in binary: 100111010010110
  • which means... On, off, off, on, on, on etc... The man with the machine heart had previously eaten too much salty food
  • if that's even possible. The man with the machine heart fell in love with the vending machine.
  • Vendora was her name. Jarvik admired her sleek lines, how she displayed her wares so prominently & the cute way she so reluctantly gave change. Loving a vending machine wasn't easy
  • but Jarvik was hopelessly in love. He brought her gifts - Susan B's were her favorite, but she eagerly took his Sacajawea's too - & in return, she gave him a bounty of junk food.
  • There was Popeyes chicken, twinkies, and more. Not one healthy item in the basket. Dr. Gdujfhjj was alarmed when he found out. Jarvik was overweight and nearly had a heart attack
  • when they placed the blood pressure cuff on his right arm. Dr. Gdujfhjj immediately recommended that he
  • start applying leeches in the evening to relieve his high blood pressure. Dr. Gdujfhjj further said that twenty dollars would be fair for this visit, and gave him a jar of leeches
  • and a king cobra. "Choose cure!" Dr Gdujfjhalahi said in Hindi. But before the red faced BP 200/110 man could say "I don't speak Hindi", the friendly cobra bit him in the eye.
  • Falling into a vat of petroleum jello, whereby the venom mixed, he arose as the superhero, Cobra Eye. Notice not "Cobra Eyes." Yeah, he lost it, but still made out pretty well.


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