His virtual rendering iShoes were out of

  • His virtual rendering iShoes were out of wack. What he thought was a Neon Matrix of wonder turned out to be rows gray warehouses, all exactly alike. He went to the cyber cobbler.
  • But the cyber cobbler was virtually s-faced from Esipping on some iHooch. The Cyber cobbler couldn't fix his iShoes but he hugged him and pixel-belched, "Sweet sweet Mary
  • Hartman, Mary Hartman!" The cyber cobbler had erred, for speaking the name twice in a mirror summoned forth a virtual horror of binary proportions. Digital manifestations eMerged
  • in sets of 12, mostly standard, but some with grotesque quaternary disambiguations. The cyber cobbler attempted to cleave the digital mutants but the remnants became independent.
  • The multiplied and crossfertilized like a rampant game of life. The cyber cobbler became worried & entered "Shut down core". When the following text appeared "I ç@n'+ d0 +h@+ D@v∑
  • ý0u Ш!|| Ћ@v∑ +0 м@ΓΓЏ м∑ ∫!Γş+" Dave tried smashing the Cyber Cobbler with a fire extinguisher. "+Ћ@+ Ш!|| Π0+ Ш0ΓК D@v∑"
  • "Stop using strange letter characters when you speak! All humans know when Cyber Cobblers do that!" Dave then remembered he had a handbook on how to kill Cyber Cobblers in his
  • foreclosed beach house. Pangs of the crash in 2008 and the ostentatious losses stung his ego and portfolio. It was a welcome distraction from the looming Cyber Cobblers, their
  • henchmen came to collect the ego he owed to Mr. Nominate. Fear that originated from the henchmen struck his ego even more than ever until there was nothing left. He had to think
  • quickly, before his ego was destroyed. But alas, it was gone. He sat on the ground, sniveling as he became more and more anxious of what other people thought of him. He was no mor


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