His best guess was that they were five hundred

  • His best guess was that they were five hundred yards away. The binoculars confirmed it. He had to admit to being surprised at this irrelevance when they started moving light speed.
  • Now they were seated next to him, each having a Tarrytown cigarette. Soon the big one spoke. So, we meet again, Mr. Graves. I thought I told you to
  • get a reservation. Now we have to wait in the "bar." Apparently the device will buzz when our table is ready. Because of this, I have decided to annihilate your credit. No more
  • happy hour tab for you, anymore, Bucko. Sitting at the bar, waiting for the buzzer to announce our table, I was forced to drink cocktails with stupid names such as,
  • damp kitten, sandy copulation and Dianne. Who named anything after their mother anyway! I tried to hide my discomfort, but eventually I could contain myself no longer. I leapt up,
  • and screamed, what kind of stupid is that? She looked ashamed and said she'd named her after a particularly amorous escapade on the Beach with the Beach Boys...
  • while they sang "She'll have Fun Fun Fun till her Daddy takes the T-Bird away!" but they were referring to the cheep enhanced wine called "Thunder Bird." Thus her Name "Cheep Wine"
  • was a silent nod at how Rimmer and Lister from Red Dwarf were married to each other when they reprised their roles on "Doctor Who". But their cheep-cheep wine from Super Mario was
  • was their ruin and the reason they had to leave "Dr. Who" and go back to Red Dwarf. Rimmer and Lister would have to hear very loud shakes of the head for the rest of their lives.
  • Just when they had given up all hope, the impossible happened. As they were standing there mulling, they suddenly were teleported onto the deck of the Heart of Gold. "Welcome!"


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