The gypsy, Sarii wandered the forest, searching

  • The gypsy, Sarii wandered the forest, searching for her camp. "Where am I?" She questioned her self, finally realizing the marks she had left on the trees were no longer in sight.
  • As Sarii began to cry, a small group of squirrels scampered and called to her: "We can help you, Sarii, if you can help us find seven magic acorns." It is known that gypsies
  • eat stewed squirrels so Sarii popped them in a sack & sold them to a passing gypsy. She set off to find the 7 magic acorns by herself. She climbed an oak & scanned the misty horizo
  • n. A newt approached the gypsy. "Upon ye quest ye must answer me these ques..." She grabbed the newt by the neck. "7 magic acorns." "Right there." gasped the newt.
  • The gypsy turned and saw a yellow post it on an oak tree with an arrow scrawled in pencil pointing upward. Assuming that meant "check in the knothole," for the 7 magic acorns, she
  • groped in mulchy detritus when the knothole closed around the gypsy's elbow. She cried "Hey where are my magic acorns?" But the trees roots where mingled with the bush of buggery
  • bugs. The buggery bugs crawled up gypsy pie's dress. "Hey! That tickles!" Gypsie pie giggled as the bugs crawled up her pink-furred arm and onto her hoof. Then they began
  • to swarm, gnawing away at the furry pink equine flesh. Gypsie began to scream as the swarm devoured her forelocks, trying to back out of the hovering pool of ravenous insects, but
  • to her dismay the leathery cockroaches had formed a compact barrier, preventing her from escaping. She made the mistake of screaming and immediately the beasts flooded into her
  • every orifice until she was devoured from the inside,her flesh shredding to reveal a shivering, flickering caricature of her form. It married, had children, grew happily old, died.


  1. zxvasdf May 24 2015 @ 12:54

    And the seven magic acorns dangling from their bough breathed a sigh of relief.

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