The concrete felt cool as he pushed his hand

  • The concrete felt cool as he pushed his hand into the new pavement. 3 million years later, the fossilized impression was the only sign that mankind was on this planet.
  • When funding cuts were made to space research everybody thought it wouldn't be long until mankind returned to Planet Zerg but like travel to the moon as soon as the funds dried up
  • pop music took a turn for the perverse. In this era, pop music was a constant stream of static that random "artists" were allowed to stand in front of for 5 seconds.
  • The jazzy white boy vocals of Radio Disney were mixed into the static, along with LaVeyan passages read backwards. This inadvertently caused tween girls to kill pop stars and
  • eat their penis and testicles. Justin Bieber joined the Jonas brothers in hiding and tried to reach One Direction, but it was too late. Tween girls had already killed them and ate
  • them like Mikey ate those pop rocks and chugged a Coke & died. Wait, he's not dead? No f'n way, that's an urban legend? Huh...So, the Biebs and Jonas brothers R hiding out in some
  • trailer park in Florida dedicated to washed up pop stars. I hear its like the one dedicated to carnival sideshow acts, but even sadder because realistically who has love for
  • them now? Men II Geezers and the Old Fogies on the Block hung out on the edge of the trailer park, hoping to get lucky. Past their prime, the Spice Grannies and Madonna were
  • still willing to get it on with the Geezers and Old Fogies, as long as everyone agreed to keep their eyes shut. And no cameras. Spice Grannies and Madonna met them wearing lingerie
  • . Pretty soon more wrinkly privates were being pressed together than that one time at boot camp when everyone stayed in the pool too long and had to huddle for warmth. Gross!


  1. MangoMania Jun 28 2013 @ 14:35

    I should not fold the first thing that comes to mind.

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