Three morris men tried to creep past the

  • Three morris men tried to creep past the watching guard but the jingling of their bells alerted the sentry. 'Put your hands up and give the password', barked the guard. "It's
  • Apple. Dutifully, the lads repeated the word and the guard smiled as he waved them through. Mind the moat, fellas. The piranhas are hungry tonight. As they
  • crossed over, the guards smile turned wicked. He started pelting them with apples, trying to knock them off the bridge into the piranha-infested water. One fell down with a scream
  • and the piranha's leapt from the water and consumed him, leaving only his bones to get wet. The murderous guard above chuckled & wound another pitch. Apples flew. More fell.
  • Thulsa Doom's Real Death Carnival was his latest incarnation of the strange death cult groups. Ever since Conan destroyed his snake cult he was struggling. He couldn't compete
  • with the other villains and for that reason he was constantly made fun of and subjected to ridicule and mockery. They found immense pleasure in
  • Mario Kart, because it is a four player game which meant they could tell him he couldn't play without seeming rude. Man they were sick of him
  • it was apparent. but that was all right because he was sick of them too. He decided that he didn't really want to play MarioKart anyway. He wanted to be a ninja.
  • He also wanted to be a pretty, pretty princess. This left to an inner conflict that gave him
  • psoriasis. The pretty, pretty, princess headed out to CVS to get himself some medicated salves and lubricants.


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