"It was Mr. Green, ruefully, in the dope

  • "It was Mr. Green, ruefully, in the dope Lounge with the ostentatious rope," I accused. The Clue: Adverbs and Adjectives expansion pack was challenging. I checked the case envelope
  • and found that the Clue expansion pack changed Mr. Green to Mr. Aquamarine. I tried to argue that Mr. Green was Mr. Aquamarine, but my girlfriend showed me two swatches of
  • identical paint. This pissed me off. "I did it, in the game room, with the knife," I said. "You can't guess on my turn!" my girlfriend scolded as I opened the silverware drawer,
  • drew out the knife, then rolled to hit. With my feats, I scored a crit. My girlfriend screamed in dismay, but her leadpipe was too slow. One less player to discover Boddy's killer.
  • The police described it as a mafia style murder propagated by Mrs. Greenthumb and her minions.
  • Mrs. Greenthumb had had her minions kill the man because he would not relinquish his blackberry jam, the police maintained. But what about the lemons?
  • Even if they weren't ripe yet, Mrs. Greenthumb was a good enough cook to make decent lemonjam. Her minions gathered in the secret greenhouse. From within, they had a view
  • of the kitchen, were Mrs. Greenthumb was currently making said lemonjam. The minions gathered together, muttering, and finally decided that it would be best if they stole the
  • pie before it had time to cool. Mrs. Greenthumb, listening to the thieves through the hearing device, snickered quietly as she added a dose of arsenic to the lemon jam filling.
  • Then she snuck, still snickering, around the corner to watch. It didn't take long. In moments, the meringue-lipped thieves lay sprawled across her kitchen table, strangely smiling.


  1. SlimWhitman Jun 12 2016 @ 00:08

    buddyboy4711, betcha didn't think it'd be Mrs. Greenthumb in the kitchen with arsenic doped lemonjam!

  2. DanielQuinn Jun 12 2016 @ 14:32

    Ambikawolf: that was great luck, echoing Mr. Green with Mrs. Greenthumb with no connection in between!

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