MJ died on the anniversary of the moon landing.

  • MJ died on the anniversary of the moon landing. The NASA creeps hated him for getting all the moonwalk clicks. I use Google to expose conspiracies , but its a two-edged sword since
  • the black helicopters use their scanners to track my searches. Their surveillance had been at an all time high in my vicinity lately so I knew I was onto something. The CIA was
  • where Julia Child went to learn cryptographic cookery. I thought I was clever to set up automatic searches using a Google/Goliath loopback, but now the black choppers threatened to
  • to take over my bar. The Black Choppers were an African American motorcycle gang. They'd started in Oakland and slowly fanned out across the South. They wanted me to join their
  • Gang and firebomb the headquarters of the Green Panthers, who frowned on riding motorcycles due to high accident rates. They advocated walking or biking in the lane provided them.
  • They prepared for the task at hand with a few packs of C4 and some molotovs. The leader looked at all the stuff thinking to himself "This will be a large firework."
  • But when they lit it, only a sad, blue spark fizzed for a moment and was gone. Not even enough to light a tea candle. The leader's heart sank. He had wanted armageddon and all he
  • got was a fizzle in his shizzle. Tha gangsta leader wanted anarchy, so he hired some big boys with big guns and told them to "I want ya blip off the the big bird by burnin powda!"
  • The big boys were Rocky and Knuckles and knew just who to see to get Civil War flour sacks. They would do a Sherman on Big Birds nest and watch it burn all the way to the ocean.
  • These guys meant business daggum it! They burn the flour sacks. It was seen as the international distress signal & the Coast Guard showed up & back to the funny farm. Hee hee ho ho


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