"And cut! That's a wrap." The first season

  • "And cut! That's a wrap." The first season of the FoldingStory television show was done filming. My life's dream would come true; three stories per half-hour episode with an
  • atomic budget. Since we were on USA network, we called the FS show "180 Characters Welcome." The first episode, starring the whole gang, was about the Sears ice tray thief:
  • The live studio audience clapped when Det. Manatee entered the room. "Has there been a robbery?" (His famous catch phrase.) "See this water on the sill? The Sears ice tray thief is
  • on fire. Can't you see the burn marks?" The live studio audience went nuts. Det. Manatee was working his magic, but his co-star forgot her lines. She just stood there staring
  • at the stage lights. She was overcome by stage fright and had no idea what to do next. Det. Manatee rushed to the rescue to save the show! He slapped her with his magic wand and
  • pulled a string of scarves from her ear. He said, "Abracadabra! Alakazaam!" "Oh Detective Manatee!" She lisped, "I'm cured! The show WILL go on!" And with that she strode onto the
  • street-corner, her usual spot on a Friday night, and began selling her new-found gifts. It was designer fabric, but she wondered how the magician had pulled so much of it from her
  • Green fedora hat. Houdini applauded for five minutes. It was a standing ovation. The winner of the election would have to be there as a witness. George and his son watched
  • , their eyes peeled for the next bit of magic. All at once, the lights went out! George heard a scuffle behind him. A woman screamed & something fluttered past his face. Houdini?
  • It was a air displacement caused by a close proximity fart. Magical? Absolutely.


  1. SlimWhitman Mar 02 2016 @ 18:33

    Wow! Foldingstory TV? And what a line-up! Closed captioning too.

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