One day Sam received a postcard from Florida.

  • One day Sam received a postcard from Florida. It showed a small Hotel with a pink flamingo & palm lined beach, on the back "Wish you were here" but no signature or address.
  • He gave it no thought until he got another suspicious postcard the next day with a picture of an African Safari and the same message.What did they mean?Why where they coming to him
  • and no one else? Was he supposed to follow the clues? And was that really just a cold sore like she'd said? He decided to bite the bullet and took the series of postcards to
  • Chad's Postcard Emporium in Laguna Beach. Sure, Chad lacked the savvy and know-how of his uncle Moe in Manhattan, but he had a certain sense. He nearly touched my "cold sore" and
  • y Griffith had given me that he'd caught from pitchin' woo with Aunt Bee. That's the last time I, Chad, the Bi-Curious Minnesotan ever visits the South.
  • I down-shifted my Chevy and headed West. I Chad, would visit ManuelEnd, the dude of LA. I put my one bullet in the pocket and thought of never seeing Mayberry again.
  • But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. On my way to my rendevous with ManuelEnd in LA, I considered my options. I could shoot first, explain later...or I could eat pie first,
  • second drink a remorse milkshake and third finish with a jealous box of chocolates. I grabbed a bag of gold coins from the safe and rode off on my trusty steed towards
  • the stagecoach, which I should've beaten to the canyon pass, except yhat box of chocolates had its way with me and i had to make two unscheduled pit stops, even having to clean off
  • all the melted chocolate with a packet of Wet Wipes. It was as if I had gotten more chocolate on me than in me, much like the crumpled stagecoach now at the bottom of that canyon.


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