I saw his red hat in the distance I knew

  • I saw his red hat in the distance I knew
  • I knew it was the hat from before
  • but it was now oddly-shaped, as if someone had left in the closet a bit too long. I picked it up from the floor and tried to
  • squish it back to its original form. It held for a while, but then, as giving up, would slowly melt along my arm, down my legs onto the ground again. It seemed to fancy the ground.
  • The pet leech
  • turned. Point of fact: Leeches are bad pets for the following reasons: One: They don't listen. Two: They don't come when you all. Three: They have an unwavering thirst for blood
  • of their owners. Four: Their salt-restricted lifestyle means everyone in the house has to give up table salt, which is usually considered to be unfair by
  • those of us still ignoring our blood pressure. Randy started in again about the wonders Sea Salt. Ten minutes later when he wound down but I hadn't listened to a single word said.
  • a felt a a sharp pain in my chest, and realized it might be the big one. I was short of breath and could only just gasp, "Randy, Sea Salt"
  • Randy, always the joker, replied "Yes, I do. I also see pepper." Let me live, I prayed, let me live. Randy sprinkled me with the sal de mer as I saw myself from above. I was done.


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