The pistol unsheathed itself from his pocket.

  • The pistol unsheathed itself from his pocket. He never fired it, but waved it around and pointed it when his telekinesis blasted away his enemies. Ballistics would never find a
  • telekinetic bullet but the Criminologist would match the fibers at the crime scene to the fibers in his pocket. He was arrested and confessed. He wanted to explore telekinesis in
  • Greece, as that was the etymological locus for this amazing superpower. The confessed criminal harness the power of telekinesis as well as harness
  • the collective brain power of the Mensa society. With an average IQ of 140, the brainiacs would be able to help his master plan, to take over the Toyota company. All he needed was
  • the best idea for a reuse of Toyota technology. His was putting small windshields in front of people's faces during cold season. Now he needed everyone to vote for it on the site.
  • They loved it. Soon everyone had a plastic shield in front of their face. It was like a nation of riot police. Young girls would pretty them up with gel pens. Celebrities tinted
  • their face-shields at the advisement of famous designers. Artists would create face-shields to express a berth of emotions and to match any style. Face-related injuries would drop
  • to zero, and slaps in the face would result in playful romps instead of hurt feelings and tears. Soon, however, designers tired of the Face-Shield craze, and turned instead to
  • the Crotch-Shield. Reproductivity skyrocketed and AFV fell through, but the inventors of sports cups were quick to sue.
  • But the lawsuit fell through on a technicality, as such shams are wont to do, and our intrepid heroes found themselves, once again, sitting on top of the world.


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