Jaden was not your typical eight year old

  • Jaden was not your typical eight year old boy. He had a hidden secret, he is going to very important to not only his town but also his country, he just didn't know it yet.
  • Jaden had a unique mutation that allowed him to transmit the electric energy generated inside his body into an external source simply by touching it. He could power up a battery ju
  • st by laying a finger on it. This, of course, was very convenient, because he could recharge his devices without charging cables. If the government found out about him, though,
  • they'd ship him off to the Amish, where his powers would be useless, eventually causing him to go mad with unused potential. He would have to strike the government preemptively by
  • amassing a local militia comprised of crack shots. Edward Snowden would co-ordinate the strike. With Michael Moore in charge of food supplies. When told, Michael seemed happier
  • than he had ever been. The food supplies contained some of his favorite foods like: pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, and even M & M's. As they sat down to eat the items, Michael said
  • " Man this is some good food." Its there is some food to keep them for a while. He was not sure he would survive this situation. But Micheal never gave up.
  • Micheal was on hour 78 of his WoW marathon. His lack of sleep had affected his senses. A Panderen Warlock walked out of the monitor and guzzled his Rock Star. "Get back in there!"
  • The Warlock took the empty can with him back into the monitor. Michael blinked. The message boards lit up that he was using an illegal hack to cheat and his WoW account just
  • exploded into oblivion. Yes, just like that. The bad guy lost. The good guy won. Everyone burst into song and the curtain fell.


  1. jljones7327 Feb 20 2014 @ 14:27

    Then, later that night Jaden decided to go to Waffle House and get the All Star breakfast because he, was a true all-star.

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