www.confessionalbooth.com: He set up a website

  • www.confessionalbooth.com: He set up a website with a drop box for uploading anonymous files and made it public. Two hrs later the first file was waiting.
  • "Father forgive me, because I know exactly what I am doing."
  • was the prayer that Mitt Romney uttered backstage at the convention. The republican crowds roared like lions. Mitt rubbed his lucky rabbit's foot. Palin brought him an O'Doul's.
  • Sarah said "Go get 'em cowboy!" and gave Romney the classic Palin wink. The O'Doul's must've hit old Mitt pretty hard cause he grabbed Sarah around the waist, pulled her to him and
  • nuzzled her neck. "My Gawd, you're a sexy bitch," Mitt growled. Sarah Palin got a faraway look in her eyes as she gazed over Mitt's muscular shoulders, shoulders that would someday
  • rot away, like all things in this world.
  • The Buddha taught nothing is permanent, the Vietnamese monks reminded me. I realised they were correct.
  • Then I thought Buddhism was just another arbitrary point of view. My whole life's experience had been a blurry mosaic scattered through space and time, anchorless, unfocused. Still
  • I was reluctant to try Satanism, even such a relaxed variety. I'd experienced just about every religion in the void of my existence, but... "It's all about instant gratification!"
  • Reluctant to the point where I was wondering if someone else is going to try satanism as well. Such a great way to get the most important person in my life to like me.


  1. SlimWhitman Jun 11 2016 @ 23:49

    From digital confessional booth to friending via satanism, with a bit a guiless political fornication and philosophizing thrown in. Npw that's a foldingstory!

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