All she ever wanted was to be loved. But

  • All she ever wanted was to be loved. But people weren't capable of it. They envied her too much. She was too smart, too stylish, too beautiful and as a result, jealousy was all
  • that was reflected back at her perfect gaze. She entered the room and assumed the worst of them, so she began hurling derision at anyone who smiled at her. If only they'd be kind
  • enough to shrivel up and die. But that would be too much to ask on Christmas Eve. So, she took to slapping kittens and puppies with cease and desist letters. The power
  • of the court shown clearly by the eviction notice. The Judge understood why I had to remove the kittens and puppies from the property. They were squatters and had no right of
  • entry permit, nor any valid identification. Furthermore, the squatters defecated wherever they wanted and slept most of the day. I put these animals in a large wooden crate and
  • sent it to an acquaintance I'd met over the internet in Russia who'd "raped" me not longer after we became "friends". I stocked the crate with enough chicken feed to last the trip
  • and dove in amongst the live birds. Cheaper air fare was hard to come by. By the time we reached Russia
  • Buddy Bear had gotten into that still. As everyone knows, a when a bear drinks from a still,
  • a bear gets hammered drunk and super friendly with the human race. ManBears start to rule the world when
  • Manbear meets a pig. This is when they made romantic connection and made a baby manbearpig. Roll Tide


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