"The end is nigh!" shouted a elderly lady

  • "The end is nigh!" shouted a elderly lady with a compromising sandwich board plastered to her ample bosom. Some people shot her worried looks, wondering if she had escaped from
  • an Oxford English Dictionary reject Asylum. Who the heck uses "nigh" anymore? And the end of what? The world? Good. An old man stood on the adjacent corner staring at the Dooms
  • dayneighsayer. The old man had been to the Oxford English Dictionary Reject Asylum for reeducation & knew a 'neigh' sayer when he saw one. "Narry & naught are words that one ought
  • to find written in the Magna Carta but with the copy at Salisbury Cathedral being taken off display for restoration it will be more difficult to find them in writing." The old man
  • drank the potion. The potion could mend a broken heart they said, but in his infected body it something else. His skin started to bubble. The art historian's watched in horror
  • as an acidic skin bubble floated over to their art history degrees and corroded them into nonexistence. "NOW we'll never find work. How will we afford heartbreak potions?" Selling
  • oranges by the freeway, fake prostitution with subsequent armed robbery of the john, commune life, actual work. These were the only other options besides going BACK to art history.
  • Then from the sky a voice were spelling this: "Aunque no lo sepas yo te amo".
  • And the ethereal voice kept whispering those same words till she noticed the telenovela was on TV and pulled the plug
  • Too bad she was standing in a puddle of water when she yanked the plug out. As she lay there fried, frazzled, and dying, she imagined she heard someone somewhere laughing... Ahhh..


  1. 49erFaithful Jun 10 2013 @ 12:31

    The end was nigh, all right. It usually is.

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