Let's all go to the zoo. We can go just me

  • Let's all go to the zoo. We can go just me & you. We can see a gnu. A green cockatoo. And a wombat eating its poo.
  • *sound a of a phonograph record scratched backwards* "Hey Mommy what's that Wombat doing?" "Never you mind. Lets visit the monkeys" Look a Orangutang strummin' his thang & an ape
  • 's mandolin at the same time! Why, it's chimply marvelous! Mommy's attempt to support wholesome educational experiences wasn't going as planned. She needed a cocktail.
  • She needed to get off her keister and make this coctail thing happen. They ain't gonna pour themselves. She hoisted up her big make up bag. Time for the "Bedroom Eyes."
  • She excused herself, applied the makeup, and came back, giving him a seductive smile. He was red in the face. "Were you replaced by a panda?" He giggled. She crossed her arms and
  • mock mooned at him. Naive as he was he thought that was the end of it but it wasn't. It never is. Not with her type. (I'm getting there.) The type, (see), that pretends to be panda
  • Express noodles, tastes pretty much like cardboard. Wanda the Panda wanted something better for lunch. She found it at The Elephant's Garden Cafe. The food was organic and GMO-free
  • but basically limited to bananas and peanuts. Excellent quality, but not much diversity. Wanda the Panda didn't much mind, as she pretty much only ate bamboo, but she didn't want
  • to be known as some banana lovin, peanut bamboozalin bimbo. No, not a Panda like Wanda. Pandas like her have class, just like my friend Joala the Koala. Joala only ate Eucalyptus
  • leaves. He was a dapper fellow. At least he was until he got locked up for embezzling Eucalyptus. He never realized he had a problem.


  1. SlimWhitman Dec 17 2018 @ 08:08

    I like how it returns back to the zoo!

  2. Woab Dec 17 2018 @ 16:44

    Aw, that's just a load of cubist wombat poop. Good wrap-up line, taiga!

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