Toro is a fan of vampire fiction since his

  • Toro is a fan of vampire fiction since his childhood in Mexico.
  • He grew up near Lake Alchichica and there were many legends surrounding the malevolent prince whose presence was marked by the bizarre stromolites within the deep waters.
  • But i just adore lake Titicaca
  • But I must admit it's just because of the picture that flash in my mind when i hear TITIcaca. Tell me it doesn't sound like Boobs and Poop. A grade schoolers paradise.
  • "No, caca is the inside of you penis-hole," said Randy, the ginger with the reddest hair on the playground. He was tough, but we respected him cause he caught all Pokemon before us
  • and that was a very supermegafoxyawesomehot thing to do.
  • except for the fact that Megan Fox was a bad person. Which actually meant that this was a very bad thing. And so he looked for a way to undo it. He got online and found the numb
  • ing agent with which to immobilize Megan. Eventually he settled on Chloroform, a classic. Within a few hours she was tied to a chair in his basement, just now waking up to see the
  • wide smile on my face. "Megan, ever since I first laid eyes on you, I knew I had to have you." Her eyes widened, and she tried to move. "Don't bother. the rope is far too thick."
  • "Rope... Hmm, 'rope' kinda rhymes with 'rape', doesn't it?" Her wrists began to bleed from the raw skin tearing. I started to laugh, thinking myself quite clever. Then I began.


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