• ART NARRATIVES FOR THE BLIND: MC Escher, White Geese flying left, Black geese flying right, repeat ten times.
  • Kareem' s fingers outlined Escher' s work. He experienced the sensation of flying geese up & down his body & in his mind's eye. The art gallery for the blind had become so popular
  • and it was no surprise with the special Scratch'n'Sniff exhibit on display there. Just the other day, Kareem has rubbed his hands over one of the displays, getting a whiff of fresh
  • ly pounded varmint tail. Kareem saw the Hillbilly hanging his scratch and sniff masterpiece in the museum. It was going to be a gladiatorial sniff off.
  • "This is just like that scene in Spartacus," Eleanor whispered into my ear before licking it with her sandpapery tongue. Having a sentient cat is a mixed blessing; her knowledge of
  • classic films is vast, but she thinks I'm gay. I set out to convince Eleanor, my sentient cat of my heterosexuality. "I have 2 DVDs in my collection featuring man's man Al Pacino
  • But inside, were Legally Blonde CDs I snuck in. I started watching, when Eleanor sashayed in. She gave me a look & walked off. Having to defend my heterosexuality to my own cat was
  • definitely something that I had grown accustomed to. The look that was always given towards me whenever I had entered a room, her eyes seemed to tell it all. She had always been a
  • bitch to me, I just never had the heart to tell her. She never understood why I was the way I was. Now that I think about it, she never even tried, hence why I think of her as a
  • useless sack of garbage. It's true, I hate her, and that's all there is to it. So it is now that I end this tale, with a middle finger, a motorcycle, and a journey into the sunset.


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