Dr. Moodle also supported the claim that

  • Dr. Moodle also supported the claim that Dr. Seuss had a PhD in environmental science because he predicted the green eggs and ham. Thus, Dr. Moodle was not supported by
  • the tenure committee & subsequently lost his professorship at Oxford. Dr. Noodle was, you see, ahead of his time & therefore misunderstood. Disillusioned with academia, Dr. Moodle
  • decided to continue Dr. Noodle's research. The scientific community looked on in awe, horror, and a pinch of disgust as Dr. Moodle journeyed into the depths of gene manipulation:
  • One day he shrieked "EUREKA!". The scientific community, perplexed by Dr.Moodle's discovery asked him what it was. "I have manipulated the genes of this cow, to produce choco milk"
  • In the years following, Moodle was hailed as a god among men, giving all of humanity the key; no more chocolate syrup was needed, because it was now apart of the true recipe. What
  • the people didn't know, was that Moodie didn't use all natural chocolate for the syrup. No, this food of the Gods he was parading around was stuffed with GMO's, pesticides and lies
  • ,just like what grandmother made. The smell of dripping coacoa set Moodie in a stir, a taste shouldn't, couldn't hurt.
  • Moodie was so wrong. The taste took her tastebuds by the cojones and nailed them to her spleen. The Cisco’s had been a ruse to get her to drink the concoction. She hated her grandm
  • other's perfume. It smelled of musty dried flowers and dirt. It was enough to send Moodie back to the ER for another long night of waiting rooms, bright lights, scans and tests.
  • But Moodie decided to take a walk, instead. The moon was out, and the air smelled of musty dried flowers and dirt, but more freshly so. He took it into his lungs and sighed.


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