Luke was walking down the dark alley home

  • Luke was walking down the dark alley home late at night. He had just came home from a party when a howl ho a wolf was heard.Attempting to get home as fast as possible he ran.Then..
  • He was surrounded by thousands of glowing eyes, "where are they coming from?" he gasped as the howls grew louder.
  • "Beam me up, Scotty!" Captain Kirk cried. Nothing.The howls grew louder. "Captain,"whispered Spock."It is curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want.
  • Kirk turned to establish eye contact with his commanding officer for a brief moment, furrowing his eyebrows, "So, what? Are you expecting me to explain something I don't know?"
  • "I'm expecting you to fail horribly," the CO snapped at Kirk,"and I have no doubt that you are going to fail." Kirk shifted in his seat, he had never encountered someone who was no
  • t a subordinate & regretted signing up for the Kobayashi maru brush-up course for starfleet officers. He grabbed the small black box & focused his will on destroying space invaders
  • & pressed the red button, not realizing it was the nuclear football- not a PSP. His CO was ecstatic: "Kudos, Kirk- sole winner ever of the Kobayashi maru! The Klingons are extinct!
  • The Federation then proceeded to celebrate the unsystematic annihilation of the Klingons with punch and cookies, much to the delight of Illuminati Pyramid Head, rubbing his hands.
  • These were no ordinary ginger cookies, they were from Erickson's Deli and Fishmarket before the Swedish icon was forced to close after 90 years in business. The punch was organic.
  • But organic punch didn't taste good with ginger cookies.


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