Carmela was about to burst into tears as

  • Carmela was about to burst into tears as she stared at her computer and shouted, "It's gone, it is all GONE!" She couldn't even imagine what she would do without
  • all of her music, photos, and of course the paper she had been working on
  • were found washed up in the river three weeks later. Detective Manatee looked over the evidence, and knew what he had to do. "Get me to the
  • best bed of sea grass this town has." Det. Manatee needed to think. To let his mind drift, allowing the dark abyss of his unconscious to roll the clues into
  • his dream-beach, where he could wiggle through the sands of his reason and observe each piece of drift-evidence with his full aquatic powers of logic. Det. Manatee demanded
  • more hyacinth in his turtle grass shake. How was JMan supposed to sift evidence with such a bland drink? The yacht was anchored near the mangroves. How did "The Creature" abduct
  • and hide the entire population of merrymakers attending Burning Man? JMan knew some dark magic had made the Burning Man statue come alive but what did it want with all those people
  • and the lifetime supply of holiday snowman marshmallow peeps? They were seasonal goddamit, what didn't he get about that. Manatee whipped out his handy dandy pocket necronomicon,
  • but then realized that his necronomicon was actually a fake, as the only real ones were made by Howard P. Lovecraft. "Crap!" he yelled, what was he going to do now? He couldn't
  • ask Mr. Lovecraft to print new ones. He was dead after all! And so was that Mad Arab Al-jihad-whatever his name was. Oh well, looks like Cthulhu tentacle smex was put on hold.


  1. SlimWhitman Jun 05 2012 @ 03:57

    @Creekey: For your enjoyment:, a primer on Detective Manatee http://foldingstory.com/wz4az/

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